Online Teaching Essentials
The Online Teaching Essentials series provides an introductory toolkit for those who are beginning their journey of teaching online. This series is specifically designed and developed for instructors to gain research-based knowledge related to the fundamentals of online teaching. The essentials include a variety of topics spanning from engagement, to academic integrity, to equity and inclusion. As this series is dynamic and therefore being continually updated, please check back often to review and learn new information that will enhance your online teaching design and delivery.
After completing the Online Teaching Essentials series, instructors will be able to:
- Design opportunities for varied types of engagement and assessment.
- Create online discussions that foster a sense of community using different prompt types to push the conversation forward.
- Establish practices that promote academic integrity.
- Design meaningful and effective multimedia aligned to course content and materials.
- Apply the principles of accessibility and Universal Design for Learning to course materials and activities.
- Establish course EDI guidelines to ensure content is continually evolving and all students feel represented.
Progressing through the Series
You can progress through the series by entering a page and selecting PREVIOUS or UP NEXT. You can also select the topic of your choice via the Table of Contents listed below, or by selecting the topic in the left-hand menu on each page.
Sharing the Series
Each topic in the series is meant be able to be used as a standalone resource. You can share the entire webpage, or share the [link to this section] option to share a specific section in each topic.
Each section has a screen-reader friendly, PDF version that can be downloaded directly to your device. Select topic-specific PDFs, or download the full PDF version of the Online Teaching Series
Glossary of commonly used terms in online instruction, as well as a description of various teaching modalities. |
The different forms of engagement in online classrooms, and strategies for promoting each. |
Establishing community and social presence through classroom discussion forums. |
Strategies and considerations for assessing student learning in the online classroom. |
Strategies for promoting, enhancing, and encouraging academic integrity in the online classroom. |
Principles and tips for designing effective instructional multimedia. |
Applying the Universal Design for Learning framework to ensure that all learners can access and participate in learning. |
Guidance for ensuring the creation of digitally accessible course materials. |
Strategies and resources to intentionally build equity into the online classroom. |
Clarity and guidance on using copyrighted materials in the online classroom. |