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Proctoring Options for Assessments

When deciding whether or not to proctor an exam, you are balancing three key considerations:

  • Academic Integrity: Ensuring submissions represent students’ original thought, and are made by individuals who are who they say they are.
  • Privacy: Protecting the students’ digital footprint, so their likeness, environment and mannerisms are not digitally distributed.
  • Equity: Facilitating access to the course for students who might not have a clean testing environment, strong internet access, camera, or, in some cases, administrative access to their device.

Students are also balancing these values, and might request an alternative assessment mechanism. Instructors should be prepared to address student requests.


What are the options?

Proctoring Services

Is Proctoring Right for my course?

Learn more about the considerations for using proctoring services in your course, and when proctoring is a strong option.

When to Proctor

Live Proctoring

Professionally-trained live proctors monitor every session and flag/intervene suspicious behavior. This third-party service is provided by ProctorU.

Learn about ProctorU

Zoom Proctoring

Zoom provides the ability to monitor a combination of student video and the activity on their device. If you feel a closed-book, timed exam is important in your course, you can hold one in Zoom. We've compiled a set of recommended practices from various campus professionals.

Learn More